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The Witches Roald Dahl - Referat

Reading Log Young Adult Readers

Title: The Witches
Author: Roald DAHL
Publisher: Puffin books
Page prepared to read out: 19

The setting of the book: What type of story is it? Where/When does it take place?
It is a scary childrenīs book about witches. It takes place nowadays in England.

Describe the main characters.
The narrator: He is an eight years old orphan and lives with his lovely grandmother.
The grandmother: She is Norwegian and knows everything about witches. She is a retired witchophile who pursued witches all over the world and destroyed them.
The Grand High Witch Of All The World: She is the ruler of all witches. All other witches are afraid of her. They see her once a year at their Annual Meeting.
Bruno Jenkins: He is a young boy who loves to eat

Give a brief story summary.
The novel is about an eight year old boy who lost his parents in a car accident at the age of seven. Then he lived with his Norwegian grandmother in England. She is an expert for witches and soon he learns any evidence how to recognize them. The witches hate children and are able to smell them with their big nose-holes. One day when the boy worked on his tree-house he saw his first witch and she tried to lure him, but he escapes by climbing up the tree. The next summer holidays the little boy and his grandma went to a seaside hotel in England and there it happened that the narrator ran into the yearly meeting of approximately 200 witches of England. He was hiding in the hall where the witches had their conference. The Grand High Witch Of All The World gave an order to the other witches. Each of them usually got rid of one child a week but now they should have gotten rid of all children. On a special day in the near future all the children should be given poisoned sweets. The Grand High Witch has invented a magic formula that turns the ones who drink this formula into a mouse. And to demonstrate that the formula works, she had already given it into chocolate bars and gave them to a young boy, called Bruno Jenkins, who is also one of the
hotelīs guest. Bruno arrived in the big hall on time and turns into a brown mouse in front of all the witches. Unfortunately they get also wind from our storyteller, catched him and turned him into a mouse. He realized that he was able to speak and shout. After a while he found Bruno and together they went to the narratorīs grandma to tell her everything. Then they had a great idea. Our storyteller sneaked into the room of the Grand High Witch and steals the magic-formula-bottle. He poured the formula into the witcheīs soup and they all turned into mice and they all got killed from the hotel staff. Back home, our narrator decided with his Grandma that they will catch all the witches in the world and become witch-busters.

Describe your favourite part and discuss why you would/would not use this particular book in class.
I would use this book for 13 to 14 years old children. It is exciting to read. The storyteller is eight years old and he will become a hero at the end of the tale. It would also be nice to look at a part of the movie in English to make the pupils curious of the story.

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