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Differences Between Democratic and Republican Healthcare Solutions - Referat

Health care is already an important topic in the election campaign for the US presidential vote of 2008. According to a survey of CBS News 54% of the Americans think that the U.S heath care system needs at least fundamental changes, further do 36% believe that a complete rebuilt of the System is necessary.

The United States are one of few developed countries in the world, which does not guarantee his citizens universal health care. After all every body has the right of medication in case of emergency, without reference to his ability to pay. Medicare is until now one of two taxation-financed health insurance programs administrated by the government. Framed by President Truman and signed into law in 1965, it does cover people who are 65 and older, indigents or injured military veterans. The State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) is for children of working-class families who earn to much money to be shield by Medicare, yet cannot afford buying private insurance. It is financed by federal and state government, in 2005 SCHIP did cover about 6 million children. Even though do the United States have a striking high infant mortality rate, 6.43 deaths of 1000 live births, in comparison to other western countries.
In the last six years the number of uninsured persons has increased dramatically from 6,8 million in 2000 to 47 million in the year 2006, what makes 17% of the population. One reason for the rise is, that in the past years the costs of insurance have been rapidly growing, what made an increasing number of employers unable to afford it. And because private insurances try to provide insurance only to the most healthy. Nevertheless are 15% of the GDP spent for healthcare, what makes the US system the most expansive in the world. Other alarming facts are the low live expectancy, 77.85 years, and that medical bills are the most common reason for personal bankruptcy in the United States.

At the moment most democratic presidential hopefuls, such as Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and John Edwards do support a universal health care system. This would guarantee all citizens access to health care, either in a Single-payer system, where the government collects taxes and pays for health care, or in a Hybrid-system where as well private and public found insurances are possible. Six times in the past century efforts have been made to launch some kind of universal health care, during the First World War, during the Depression, during the Truman and Johnson Administrations and in the Senate in the nineteen-seventies. In 1992 the first Lady Hillary Clinton also created a reform that would have provide universal health care for all Americans, but which was ousted by Conservatives and Libertarians in Congress and the insurance industry. When voted as President, she promises to make health care affordable for all citizen and guarantees coverage for every child. Likewise expressions from Barack Obama: “We have the
ideas, we have the resources, and we will have universal health care in this country by the end of the next president’s first term.”1

Almost all republican candidates do fallow the official guidelines of their party and the Bush Administration. In a speech Rudy Giuliani said a “socialization” of the American medical system would be “a terrible, terrible mistake”. The Republicans do reject the idea of universal healthcare mostly because they fear tax-cuts in other important areas such as defence or education. Their argument is, that just “Profit motives, competition, and individual ingenuity lead to greater cost control and effectiveness.”2 From their point of view, not the state but the individual does know which insurance plan does fit his needs best. But certain is, that people tend do avoid preventative care, if they have to pay it out of their own pocket, what turns out to be even more expensive in the long turn. Also “the death rate for someone without health insurance is twenty-five per cent higher than for someone with insur-ance”3

So healthcare is a topic that divides the nation. On the one site the people whos proverty made them have rotting theets and those who are rich enough to escape such missfortune. The sick are paing more then healthy, and the poore more then the rich. 64% of the Americans hope, that after the next election the burders of illness will be shared more equally.


1) Barack Obama, Families USA Conference, Washington, DC ,Thursday, January 25, 2007
2) Rudy Giuliani, 'Party of Freedom', to the Hoover Overseers in Washington, February 27, 2007
3) Malcolm Gladwell, 'The Moral-Hazard Myth', The New Yorker, August 25, 2005
Health care in the US

Health care policy of the Democratic Party and presidential hopefuls

Health care policy of the Republican party

Dieses Referat wurde eingesandt vom User: maturin

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