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Dead Poets Society Teil1 - Referat

Mr. Keating’s teaching methods

I like Mr. Keating’s teaching methods, because he often starts to talk very detailed with his pupils and by talking to them he helps them to get their self-esteems. And he isn’t just a person, who commands respect, but he lets his pupils talk with him, think by their-self, and that’s how the pupils get their rights too. So Mr. Keating becomes a trusted person for his own pupils more and more. That’s important for a good relationship between a teacher and a pupil. Mr. Keating also shows, that everybody is individual and that everybody should have his own words and thoughts.
Everyone should find his own walk, Mr. Keating said.
The pupils are encouraged by Mr. Keating, to make their own experiences, and Mr. Keating helps and challenges them to think self-dependently: So Mr. Keating makes his lessons supporting for interested pupils.
But I dislike, that he demands the same work from all of his pupils, that’s why they don’t have the choice, what they want to do: For example he wants all of them to write a poem and they don’t have the possibility to do an other work. Mr. Keating often wants all his pupils all having the same abilities and skills (For example as Todd forgot to do his homework one day, Mr. Keating taught him by force). So Mr. Keating shows that he’s also able to teach with a little bit conformity.
The aims of Mr. Keating’s teaching methods are: Ripeness, personality, character, evolvement of individual skills and to use more individuality and less conformity.

Summarizing I want to say, that Mr. Keating’s teaching methods unfortunately need much time, because the pupils learn less from their books, but they learn more important things for their lives. And I’m sure, that you can learn many important things with Mr. Keating, even if he exaggerates sometimes with his being a romantic. Above all I like his way of talking and living with his pupils.

Dieses Referat wurde eingesandt vom User: fr@rikh

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