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TheAmerican Way of Independence - Referat

The American way of Independence
- 1754 – 1763 Colonial War between France and GB (colonists and
British troops fought together) >> GB won >> got French colonies
>> 13 British colonies
- financial problems through the war against France >> taxes (payed
by the colonies) f. e. Sugar Act, Stamp Act
- hate against GB through colonist´s propaganda f. e. Boston Massacre
March 5, 1770
- “Boston Tea Party” December 16, 1773: boycott of British tea
- 1775 – 1783 American War of Independence
• 13 Colonies >< Great Britain
• occasion: battle of Lexington and Concord April 19, 1775
• Declaration of Independence July 4, 1776
• support from European countries for both sides
• 1781 defeating of the last British army near Yorktown, Verginia
• 1783 Britain accepted Independence

Dieses Referat wurde eingesandt vom User: Alexx93

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