The battle of Hastings - Referat
The battle of hastings
King Edward from England, called “Edward the Confessor”, died on the 5th January 1066. He had no children and so Harold Godwinston (the second important man in England) got the throne. After Edward died, Harold was crowned.
But there were other men who wanted to get the throne: Harald Hardrad, a king of Norway, and William, Duke of Normandie.
So William went to England with his army to conquer the land. The English king defended his territory but he was killed in the bloody mayhem.
Who were the normans?
They were immigrants of the Normandie in the north of France, originally Vikings from Skandinavia.
When William came to England?
The invasion started when William,in this time Duke of Normandie, send 7000 soldiers to England. They arrived in the morning of the 28th September 1066.
Why William came to England with his army?
He wanted to get the English throne, because Edward promised it to him.
Where William fought for the English throne?
William and Harold met at the Mt. Senlac near Hastings. The battlefield was 10 km in the northwest of Hastings.
Who became king of England after the battle?
On Christmas 1066 William, Duke of Normandie, was crowned and got the title “William the Conqueror”.
On the carpet of bayeux you can see how Harold died. On the top of the picture you can see a text:
HIC HAROLD REX INFECTUS EST, it means: Here King Harold has been killed.
But where is the king on the picture?
There is a man with an arrow in his head and people thought that this was Harold, but now they know that it was a simple soldier and Harold is the falling man on the right of the man with the horse. He was killed by the sword.
1. Throne- Thron
2. territory- Gebiet
3. mayhem- Schlacht/Gemetzel
4. immigrants- Einwohner/Bewohner
5. promise- versprechen
6. soldier- Soldat/Krieger
7. carpet- Teppich
8. duke- Herzog/Graf
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