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Post-Colonialism and migration - Referat

Post-Colonialism and migration

Post-colonial India

- before World War II India was ruled by the Britains
- Britains believed that they were superior to the Indians
- Indians had a different opinion and wanted to become independent
- with the help of Mahatma Gandhi’s believes India got free of the rule of the UK
- India become independent in 1974
- the heroism of Gandhi will always be remembered
- after the collapse of the British Empire, the UK attracted immigrants from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh in the (1960s - 1970s) and from the Caribbean (in 1940s and 1950s)

Indian an Pakistani communities

- in 1947 British India was partitioned into Pakistan and India
- because of this they had a lot of prejudices against each other
- Indians and Pakistanis work as small businessmen, shopkeepers, teachers and doctors

Other ethnic minorities in Great Britain

- in GB there are 2 Mio persons who belong to different ethnic minority groups
- about half of the members of ethnic minority groups living in Britain today are second- or third- generation immigrants
- immigrate, because of political or religious persecution, to have better economic opportunities
- ethnic group refers to people of the same race or nationality with a long shared history and a distinct culture
- they suffer discrimination in jobs and housing and often, abuse and harassment
- laws have been passed to prevent discrimination and racial attacks
- equal opportunities programmes and rise of some black stars (e.g. football) -> steps towards integration and acceptance

Framework to Analysing Film

Literary Aspects
Narrative (the story, story line, what the story line is based on; binary
oppositions; disruption of an equilibrium and how a new equilibrium sets in)

* Characters (heroes, villains, helpers, main characters, supporting
characters, and how characters function and contribute to our understanding of
the story)

* Setting (physical environment in which filming occurs, indoor or outdoor
setting, its significance)

* Theme (general statement
about the subject)

* Signs (anything perceptible that has significance beyond its usual function
or meaning; an object, a sound, a person, an act, a color)

* Genre (romance, comedy, suspense, a combination of different genres)

Dramatic Aspects

* Acting (the performance of actors, whether it is convincing or not)

* Costumes (formal clothes, informal clothes, their color, and their
contribution to the film)

* Make-up (style, color, whether it is exaggerated or plain, the effects it
creates, colors)

Cinematic Aspects

Camera angles, movements, and positions (low camera angle, high camera
angle, close-up, extreme close-up, tilted camera, and how these affect our

* Sound and vision (sound effects, soundtrack music, visual effects)

* Lighting (illumination in a scene)

List of materials
• letter from a Land of Paradoxes
• India Vibha Surana: Letter from a Land of Paradoxes
• camera shots
• reading texts about the film and film reviews
• from ‘Underdevelopment’ to IT Specialization
• exam : Tobias Petersen: All in the Family (extract)
• East is East: An Anglo-Pakistani family in 1970’s Britain, The Characters in East is East, East is East Ella and the Khans, Segment 1 Religion and Culture, Segment 2 Circumcision: Dealing with a Taboo Topic, Segment 5 Talking about Emotions

ethnic- ethnisch, Volks
immigration- Einwanderung
to adjust- anpassen
cultural identity- Kulturelle Identität
guest worker- Gastarbeiter
right of abode- aufenthaltsrecht
ancestry- Abstammung
descendant- Nachfahre
freedom of worship- religionsfreiheit
influx- Zustrom
misfit- Außenseiter
xenophobia- Ausländerfeindlichkeit
equal opportunities- Chancengleichheit
segregation- Abtrennung
screenplay/ scenario- Drehbuch
feature (film)- Spielfilm

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