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Great Barrier Reef - 2.Version - Referat

The Great Barrier Reef

The GBR is one of the biggest Coral reefs and counts to the Natural Wonders of the World.
James Cook found the GBR when he made his first South Seas tour.
The GBR is north-eastern from Australia and it’s longer than 2000 km.
About that it’s made up of 5 parts. Some of them are the far northern section and the cairns section.
The GBR consists of 3000 reefs and about 1000 islands.
The GBR is one of the biggest from nature made structure in the world.
In the GBR live 500 coral species, 1500fishspecies, 500Mollusca, 800echinoderm, like the starfish and many species from seaweed.
Above all are there 6 from 7 ocean turtle.
Coral reefs need a watertemperatur from 18 to30C°C.
Every little changing means the Death or the corals.
Once a year there is the coral bloom.
In that process the watertemperatur is very important.
At best the temperature is 27°C.
All in one the breeding is very difficult.
Next to the corals are there many fish’s like the marine angelfish the doctor fish, the snapper, the coral trout, the manta ray, , sharks the deathly stonefish, mussels , dolphins , Wales and manatees.
The marine fish with his colourfulness, the doctor fish is a dangerous fish with his spiky dorsal fin.
The manta ray is one of the biggest animals in the GBR.
His wingspread is about 7m.
The shark is under that Fish’s one of the friendliest.
Against that the stonefish is very dangerous. He can kill you .

Every year there come about 8milllion people to visit the GBR.
In the year 2003 the tourists dispense 4 billions Dollar.
A big part of this money will be earned by the Diving and Snorkelling.
Another big part is the go to boating.

Sadly the GBR isn’t escape from pollution.
The biggest problems are the fertilizer which comes from the monsoon rain to the GBR and destroy the coral reef.
Other problems are the fuel from the boats, the suntan oil, and the diver who destroy a coral with their feeds.
Another problem is the Fishing and the Destroying from the Reef with trawls
Global warming is a problem to. Above the global warming there is the coral bleaching.
It continues over 10 years that the reef can recover himself.
One and only the crown of thorns starfish is a natural enemy.
He comes and leaves behind a death part of reef but he disappears like he appears.
For the protection there is am plan for 25 years with the target to explore the reef and save it.
Attractions like wrecks and other places are now blocked for tourist.

Dieses Referat wurde eingesandt vom User: SammyWei

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