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Come to Alaska! - Referat

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Dieses Referat soll Touristen davon überzeugen nach Alaska zu kommen, und Urlaub zu machen...In der Word Datei ist dies deshalb ein Prospekt...Falls ihr auch mal sowas machen müsst (es macht ehrlich, kein Spass!), dann kopiert die Sätze einfach hier heraus;)

Let's go^^:

Alaska – the land of the adventures and discovers! Wild rivers, immense mountains, cleft coasts, endless tundras and unpenetrateable woods do the land on the edge of the Arctic the unforgettable physical experience.

Climate: In complete Alaska rules permafrost. Only in summer a little part of the ice melts. But if you think Alaska is an ice box, you are wrong. It has very different climate zones.

Landscape: If you are a nature-boy, you can find all you have ever dreamed of. The natives call their native country ‘’Alyeska’’, that means ‘’Big Land’’

Capital: Juneau is the capital of Alaska, and its population is about 30.711 people.
Your wife wants to go shopping, but you are more interested in exploring wildlife or visiting the grandeur of Alaska’s glaciers? No problem! In this city she can find a lot of shops with gifts, that are unique and Alaskan. During this time you can do your thing. You see, this country is the ideal connection of sightseeing, adventures and activities. Take care! Juneau can only be reached by plane or ship.

Population: Alaska has 655,000 inhabitants. There are 69,3% of whiteness, 15,6% of Indians, approx. 50,000Inuits, the Aleutian Islands and Indians (the highest percentage in the USA), 4,1% Hispanics, 4,0% of Asians, 3,5% of Afro-Americans, 0,5% of Hawaiians and from other Pacific Islands. There are 221,600 households.

Route: by the way, do you know how you get to this wonderful country? Very easy, you can go by air, for example from airport Frankfurt to Anchorage. If you are afraid to fly you can go by ship. There are a lot of possibilities; you get information by the web or in a travel agency.


1. Anikchak National Monument and Preserve
2. Bering Land Bridgge National Preserve
3. Cape Krusenstern National Preserve
4. Denalie National Preserve
5. Gates to the Arctic National Park
6. Noatak National Park and Preserve
7. Kobul Valley National Park
8. GlacierBay National Park and Preserve
9. Katmai National Park and Preserve
10. Kenai Fjords National Park
11. Lake Clark National Park and Preserve
12. Wrangell-Saint Elias National Park
13. Yukon-Charley Rivers National Park
Dieses Referat wurde eingesandt vom User: Jenkins

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