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Boston Massacre & Boston Tea Party - Referat

Boston Massacre & Boston Tea Party

Boston Massacre
I am going to talk about the Boston massacre. First of all I’ll tell you the prehistory of the massacre. At the beginning the Britains and the colonies had a good relationship. They fought against France side by side with the Britains & won the British-French war. But after this war there were many issues, like who had to pay the expensive costs of the war or that the colonies wanted to move west & Britains not. Deciding for the colonies fight for independence was the argument over taxes. And this is how it all began. The colonies fought against the Britains and there were some acts of resistance, like the Boston Massacre. It happened in March 1770 & Boston was the centre of the protest. 4000 British soldiers were sent to Boston, but there was an anti-British riot. Consequent a large crowd of people through stones against groups of soldiers. Moreover people fired into the crowd and five people from the British army died. This is why it’s in the colonial propaganda a massacre. After the massacre, the guilty had to go before judgment. But there weren’t enough prove that they gave the command to fire, so they came free. Finally the relationship between the Britain & the colonies was very bad at this moment, because they were in a war. All in all the Boston massacre is one of the important events in the fight for independence of the colonies.

Boston Tea Party
I am going to talk about the Boston Tea Party. First of all I’ll tell you the prehistory of this event. At the beginning the Britains and the colonies had a good relationship. They fought against France side by side with the Britains & won the British-French war. But after this war there were many issues, like who had to pay the expensive costs of the war or that the colonies wanted to move west & Britains not. Deciding for the colonies fight for independence was the argument over taxes. And this is how
it all began. The colonies fought against the Britains and there were some acts of resistance, like the Boston Tea Party in December 1773. The Britains made a new law, that only the East India Trading company can sell tee to the colonies. Cheaper tea from other sources would be illegal. But the colonies were against this right, so they said that no tea will be unloaded in Boston. At the 16th December Boston inhabitants, symbolically dressed as Indians, threw 342 crates tea into Boston Harbour. Moreover after this event, colonists often burned other tea, for resistance. The british measure was to close the Harbour & restriction of their freedom. Finally they had a very bad relationship, because they were in a war. But in the end the colonies won against the Britains and became independent. All in all the Boston Tea Party is one of the important events, who helped the colonies to be free.

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