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Bosten Tea Party - Referat

Boston Tea Party

The Boston Tea Party was the highlight of a conflict with the 13 North American colonies and their mother country, the British Kingdom.
The kingdom of George III. had got debt (<- Schulden) over 132 million pounds as a result of an long, expensive war between France and British Kingdom.
They wanted to pay these debts with high duties (<- Zoll) from the North American colonies.
The people who lived in a British colony in America protested against that situation.
One group of this people called the “sons of liberty”.

At December 16th 1773 angry crowds went to the Boston Harbor. They were calling the “sons of liberty” because they fighted for the liberty of their country against some law’s and the high duties, which were demanded by the British Prime Minister George Grenville.
Nobody knows who the group really was, but it said that they were from the Boston society and even farmer were in that group.

At the Boston Harbor, they boarded three ships of 'British East India Company', because these ships belonged to the British colony and they were angry about the British policy.

These three British ships, the Beaver, the Eleanor and the Dartmouth, had tons of tea on board.
The “sons of liberty” dressed as “Mohawks” Indians dumped 45 ton’s or 342 boxes of tea into the Boston Harbor.
They dumped the tea peacefully.
People who watched the “sons of liberty” from the harbor shouted for joy, this is the reason for the term Boston Tea Party.
The Boston Tea Party was one reason for the war of independence from 1775 to 1776.

The term “Boston Tea Party” is still in the political life of the United States as a symbol of rebellion. In 2006 a political party with the name 'Boston Tea Party' was founded in the USA. (<- liberal view)

Dieses Referat wurde eingesandt vom User: mizznikki

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